इंग्लिश समानार्थी शब्द --Synonyms Most Expected All Exam

Shweta K
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Synonyms Most Expected All Exam

  • Anger[क्रोध]—enrage, infuriate, arouse, nettle, exasperate, inflame, madden
  • Awful [भीषण]—dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasant
  • Begin[सुरवात]— start, open, launch, initiate, commence, inaugurate, originate
  • Brave[धालसी]— courageous, fearless, dauntless, intrepid, plucky, daring, heroic, valorous, audacious, bold, gallant, valiant, doughty, mettlesome
  • Calm[शांत]— quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, serene, smooth, composed, collected, unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, detached, aloof
  • Crooked[कुटिल]— bent, twisted, curved, hooked, zigzag
  • Eager[उत्सुक]— keen, fervent, enthusiastic, involved, interested, alive to
  • Fear[भीती]— fright, dread, terror, alarm, dismay, anxiety, scare, awe, horror, panic, apprehension
  • Hate [द्वेष]— despise, loathe, detest, abhor, disfavor, dislike, disapprove, abominate
  • Scared[घाबरलेला] — afraid, frightened, alarmed, terrified, panicked, fearful, unnerved, insecure, timid, shy, skittish, jumpy, disquieted, worried, vexed, troubled, disturbed, horrified, terrorized, shocked, petrified,
  • Ugly[कुरूप]— hideous, frightful, frightening, shocking, horrible, unpleasant, monstrous, terrifying, gross, grisly, ghastly, horrid, unsightly, plain, homely, evil, repulsive, repugnant, gruesome
  • Unhappy[दु:खी]— miserable, uncomfortable, wretched, heart-broken, unfortunate, poor, downhearted, sorrowful, depressed, dejected, melancholy, glum, gloomy, dismal, discouraged, sad
  • Deform [विकृत]–make misshapen, distort the shape of, disfigure, bend out of shape , misshape ,contort, buckle, twist, warp, damage, impair, maim, injure 
  • Realm [क्षेत्र] >> domain, sphere, area, field, department, arena; world, region, province, territory, zone, orbit

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