Advance JAVA PROGRAMMING Questions With Answers

Shweta K
By -

Advance JAVA PROGRAMMING Questions With Answers

Advance JAVA PROGRAMMING Questions With Answers

Advance JAVA PROGRAMMING Questions With Answers
QUE 1. How constructor can be used for a servlet?
1 point
QUE 2. When destroy() method of a filter is called?
1 point
QUE 3. The Following steps are required to performImplement the Listener interface and overrides itsmethodsRegister the component with the Listener
1 point
QUE 4. which kind of language java is ?
1 point
QUE 5. The _________ is an object that is notified whenan event occurs.
1 point
QUE 6. MouseEvent is subclass of which of the followingclass?
1 point
QUE 7. Which of the following could be written with little knowledge of java?
1 point
QUE 8. Which of the following is a reserved keyword in Java?
1 point
QUE 9. Which keyword is used for accessing the features of a package?
1 point
QUE 10. In java, jar stands for_____.
1 point
QUE 11.Button Control implements following listenerinterface.
1 point
QUE 12. Which provides runtime environment for java byte code to be executed?
1 point
QUE 13. What is byte code in Java?
1 point
QUE 14. Which package provides many event classes andListener interfaces for event handling?
1 point
QUE 15. UDP stands for __________
1 point
QUE 16. Select full form of DNS.
1 point
QUE 17. package consists of interface __________
1 point
QUE 18. Which of the following is true about TCP protocol?
1 point
QUE 19 . class Permission in package is
1 point
QUE 20. In Java code, the line that begins with /* and ends with */ is known as?
1 point
QUE 21. Platform Independency means?
1 point
QUE 22. TCP does not supports Multicasting and Broadcasting because ______________.
1 point
QUE 23. Select the method used to create URL connection.
1 point
QUE 24. Which of the following is used generally forreading the content of the database?
1 point
QUE 25. Which of the following is not a type of JDBCdriver?
1 point

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