Software Engineering Questions With Answers

Shweta K
By -

 Software Engineering Questions With Answers 

Software Engineering Questions With Answers


1. RAD stands for
1 point

2. The most important feature of spiral model is
1 point

3. Compilers, Editors software come under which type of software?
1 point

4. SDLC stands for
1 point

5. If you were a lead developer of a software company and you are asked to submit a project/product within a stipulated time-frame with no cost barriers, which model would you select?
1 point

6. Spiral Model has high reliability requirements.
1 point

7. COCOMO stands for ______ .
1 point

8. Which model can be selected if user is involved in all the phases of SDLC?
1 point

9. The user system requirements are the parts of which document ?
1 point

10. Which of these software engineering activities are not a part of software processes ?
1 point

11. What is the simplest model of software development paradigm?
1 point

12. What are the types of requirements ?
1 point

13. RAD Model has
1 point

14. Alpha and Beta Testing are forms of _______ .
1 point

15. A stakeholder is anyone who will purchase the completed software system under development.
1 point

16. Which is one of the most important stakeholder from the following ?
1 point

17. Software Debugging is a set of activities that can be planned in advance and conducted systematically.
1 point

18.Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is also known as specification of _______.
1 point

19. By collecting ________ during software testing, it is possible to develop meaningful guidelines to halt the testing process.
1 point

20. Test cases should uncover errors like
1 point

21. How is Incremental Model different from Spiral Model?
1 point

22. Which of the following is not regression test case?
1 point

23. Which testing is an integration testing approach that is commonly used when “shrink-wrapped” software products are being developed?
1 point

24. In which testing level the focus is on customer usage?
1 point

25. Which of the following is not project management goal?
1 point

26. Which of the following is not considered as a risk in project management?
1 point

27. The process each manager follows during the life of a project is known as
1 point

28. A 66.6% risk is considered as
1 point

29. Which of the following is/are main parameters that you should use when computing the costs of a software development project?
1 point

30. Quality planning is the process of developing a quality plan for
1 point

31. Which of the following is incorrect activity for the configuration management of a software system?
1 point

32. Identify the sub-process of process improvement
1 point

33. An independent relationship must exist between the attribute that can be measured and the external quality attribute.
1 point

34. Quality also can be looked at in terms of user satisfaction which includes
1 point

35. Inspections and testing are what kinds of Quality Costs?
1 point

36. What is Six Sigma?
1 point

37. Non-conformance to software requirements is known as
1 point

38. Software safety is equivalent to software reliability.
1 point

39. What kind of quality cost is incurred when an error is detected in a product prior to shipment?
1 point

40. Quality of design encompasses requirements and specifications of the system.
1 point

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